🎤 December Mentor Day Highlights 🎤

At this month's mentor meeting, students took the stage to practice their public speaking skills. Students had the opportunity practice and hear feedback about how to confidently answer questions in an engaging way.

Afterward, students teamed up with their mentors to tackle challenges in their class business. Through conversations, they identified areas on how they could have improved their initial steps and received practical advice for moving forward.

Thank you to our incredible mentors for sharing their wisdom and supporting our students on this journey.

Other News From Around The Same Time

🚜 Business Visit Spotlight: Abilene Machine 🚜  This week, students had the opportunity to visit Abilene Machine, hosted by Priscilla Abell. Priscilla shared her inspiring ...

🚜 Business Visit Spotlight: Abilene Machine 🚜 This week, students had the opportunity to visit Abilene Machine, hosted by Priscilla Abell. Priscilla shared her inspiring ...

To wrap up badge business, we would like to thank everyone that had sponsored a student within badge business! Thank you so much for your support in CEO!!

To wrap up badge business, we would like to thank everyone that had sponsored a student within badge business! Thank you so much for your support in CEO!!

The week of Thanksgiving, Dickinson County CEO students were welcomed by Elizabeth Weese at the Community Foundation of Dickinson County. They learned about the foundation's impactful ...

The week of Thanksgiving, Dickinson County CEO students were welcomed by Elizabeth Weese at the Community Foundation of Dickinson County. They learned about the foundation's impactful ...

On Wednesday, November 20th, Dickinson County CEO students had the opportunity to meet with Kyle Becker of Smart Insurance and Amanda West of State Farm. They explored the dynamics of ...

On Wednesday, November 20th, Dickinson County CEO students had the opportunity to meet with Kyle Becker of Smart Insurance and Amanda West of State Farm. They explored the dynamics of ...

On Monday, November 18th, Jessica Goodale, Director of DKEDC, joined our class to discuss the importance of LinkedIn. She guided students in creating their profiles, teaching them how ...

On Monday, November 18th, Jessica Goodale, Director of DKEDC, joined our class to discuss the importance of LinkedIn. She guided students in creating their profiles, teaching them how ...